Wednesday 25 August 2010

Yamaha EZ-200 61 Full-Sized Touch Sensitive Lighted Keyboard Bundle: Includes Professional Headphones, Keyboard Stand, and Power Supply

This keyboard have some characteristic. Such as the keys are not "weighted" of course, but they are pressure sensitive. So hitting the keys softly or hard produces different volumes accordingly. Though I believe the volume is strictly 3 phases;loud-medium-soft. There is an option to turn the sensitivity off allowing any press of the keys to produce a loud volume. "Loud" is of course a relative term, here I use it just to distinguish between 3 volumes. The speakers on the keyboard itself are definitely NOT loud. They are sufficient. Tonally they offer a somewhat projective treble tones, but the mid to low-range sounds almost seem as though they are muted. It makes for a frustrating playing experience. The keys light up as you press them as well as when there is a preprogrammed song playing. I suppose this is a nice feature for those who are trying to learn the songs they have programmed in the machine. The keys themselves are a cheap plastic which makes them susceptible to misalignment and loosening if you run your fingers down the keyboard laterally, which children seem to love to do. It comes preprogrammed with 100 songs, 5 of which are contemporary, the rest are jazzed up versions of old standards such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

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